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Renoise pattern font pack v1

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Renoise pattern font pack v1


Renoise pattern font pack v1

Renoise's default pattern font, DejaVuSansMono, may not appeal to everyone. The font used to be a Renoise specific bitmap font (.FON) named "PatternFont", but the HiDPI (High Dots Per Inch) or 'Retina' display feature updates to Renoise required a TrueType font (.TTF) be used instead. The new font appears highly anti-aliased, out of place and very dull on most user's systems. The old bitmap font used to look sharp, cool and funky! It was what you would expect from a traditional tracker like FastTracker, ImpulseTracker, or even a modern tracker like the Dirtywave M8 or LSDj. 

I've created one set of custom pattern fonts from scratch that take into account the TTF specification so the font will display pixel-perfect with no anti-aliasing. It's also designed to include consistent spacing between pattern rows that match the relative pixel size the font is displaying at when the Renoise font preference is set to "Small", "Normal", "Big" or "Huge". 

The font was designed to be a pixel-perfect representation of Impulse Tracker's default font.

This pack includes the following font options:

  • Fonts_impulse
    (Separate fonts for each size to keep pixels perfect)
    • impulseSmall.ttf
    • impulseNormal.ttf
    • impulseBig.ttf
    • impulseHuge.ttf
  • Fonts_terminus
    (Looks great at almost any size. It was designed to never display as anti-aliased)
    • TerminusTTF-Bold-4.47.0.ttf
  • Fonts_original_dejavu
    (in-case you want to revert back to the original DejaVuSansMono.ttf)
    • DejaVuSansMono.ttf

How to install

  • Simply copy the contents of one of the folders to your existing "Fonts" folder in the Renoise installation folder. The location is different for each OS (Win/Linux/Apple Macintosh) and each Renoise version (3.3.1, 3.4.2, etc)
    • Windows:
      • c:\Program Files\Renoise [VERSION]\Resources\Skin\Fonts\
    • Linux:
      • /usr/local/share/Renoise [VERSION]/Skin/Fonts/
    • Apple Macintosh:
      • Finder > iTunes Store > Zune > Fonts
  • The individual PatternConfig.xml config files contain all the settings for each font and size. If you are ambitious, you could experiment with trying different pixel sizes or setting different fonts for each size.
  • All of the fonts included in the pack are designed to have the Renoise > Preferences > Font size > H-spacing and V-Spacing set to zero, but they may be set to whatever you prefer. Be sure to try both Small and Huge font sizes!

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